
Kamis, 28 Juni 2012

Culinary: Lemon Pepper Beef

Hi everyone,
i decided to make my own personal culinary blog. i mean, i don't want put anything in my Beauty & review Blog (
so, i decided to make a new one for Foodaventure :)
oke, let me explain to u,
i am not a professional chef, oke? i just make a simple experience to make a delicious Food.
for photo, i just have to improve it, but no worries, it will be delicious than u look, right?
so, today i would like share my simple recipes, i named it : Lemon Pepper Beef.
oh men, don't say "what de hell name it?"
i give this name because main ingredients are: Beef, Lemon & pepper.
i combined and mix it together. oke?
so here is the look?

what do u think? is it not bad right? sure, it is really really simple. how to make it? let's get start!

  •  100gr Minced Beef

  • Minced Garlic

  •  Melted cheese

  • 1 Tea spoon Salt

  • 1 1/2 Tea Spoon Sugar

  • 2 Tea spoon Pepper, you can add it , if you like.

  • 1 tbs Butter

  • 1 Squeeze lemon

  • 1 tbs ketchup

  • Chili (optional)

    Minced Beef

How to cook:
Minced 100gr beef.

 place the minced beef in a make u easy to mixed all ingredients.

add salt, sugar and pepper.

 add squeeze lemon.

 add chili, i love spicy food!

 and mixed it together! after u mixed. it
Heat the butter in frying pan, add garlic and stir briefly.

add your beef to a pan, and put a little water.

add 1tbs ketchup and stir it again.

wait until your beef cooked (brown colors)
and then add a melted cheese, you can slice a little.
i love the melted cheese, the texture and taste.
stir briefly, and than lift it. Done!
Pretty simple right?

i used this recipe when my mom was going and no one serve lunch for me. i only spend 10 minutes to made it. how simple is it. you don't have a basic cooking. you can try it! believe me. the taste is yummy and pretty simple.
thank u for reading my recipe.