
Sabtu, 29 September 2012

Recipe: Hainam Chiken Rice

Good Morning everyone,
thank you for comming.
today i am gonna show you, how to cook a delicious Simple Hainam Chiken Rice.
why i said simple? because i make it as simple as i can for beginner, you know that i am not a professional chef. if you don't know how to make it? you are a beginner and wanna try? i can share to you , HOW!

and sure this is HALAL, so for muslim don;t worry you can try it this simple Recipe.
So,  let's begin:

  •  sesame oil
  • ginger 
  • shallot
  • Onion
  • Rice
  • Chicken Stock
  • Soy Sauce
  • Salt
this is the result after ginger peeled and cleaned.

How to make :
peel the ginger, another tips for beginner, you can try peel with spoon like i did, this is simple way i did for peel.
and then peel shallot and garlic too

after peeled , don't forget to cleaned with water
chops shallot , garlic and ginger in small pieces
to make it smooth and delicious , you need mashing them or if you have mixer , you can use your mixer machine to make it smooth.
don't forget add a half of teaspoon salt.
mashed all until smooth

now pour 3 of teaspoons of sesame oil on frying pan with low heat.
i love sesame oil, you know sesame oil is main ingredients of hainam chiken rice, the taste ,smell come from sesame oil. :)

and then the smooth garlic, etc
stir briefly for half minute.
and pour 100ml chicken stock.
chicken stock make it delicious :) you don't need seasoning or another MSG.
and then put the rice , and soy sauce with sprinkle salt.
seasoning ingredients mixed, you can put rice with a little water in rice cooker. wait until the rice cooked.
and this is the result i get :)
 i get a yellow brown rice with chicken flavor, yummy

you can try it simple recipe on your house and don't forget to poach chicken :) 
Happy cooking :)

7 komentar:

  1. Love it! You make it look very very very simple to make! Hehehehe. Thanks for sharing ;-)

  2. Eemmhhh enyakk enyakk.. *nelan liur dalem2 hhehee......

  3. Hihiii ini blm difoto sama ayamnya
    Kalo liat kuningnya ayam lebih yummy slurppp

  4. This looks easy… it’s perfect when the day is busy and you need a quick and delicious meal..

  5. @jiah: agree
    @caroline: thankss
